a) Represent and support tailors in every country that concern them;
b) Encourage and sustain relationships between members;
c) Share information through the publication of the Federation’s magazine; website; newsletter; e-mail; social media .
d) Organize world congresses, competitions and whatever else relates to the Federation’s goals; technical seminar and networking as well.
The following are eligible for acceptance as members of the World Federation:
a) Tailor Association of all nations;
b) Tailor Association of all nations and city organization as requirements, if there is no local association of tailors at all in a certain country, the owners of single tailor shops could be a part of WFMT.
c) Establishments, firms and organizations connected to tailoring, as passive members; Passive members should participate with donation or other kind of sponsorship, they don’t have a right to vote.
Admission occurs upon reviewed and approved by the Executive committee. If the application is rejected, the candidate can petition the Council, which then makes the definitive decision. Admittance to the Federation is legally effective only when payment of the membership fee has been received.
Members of the Federation lose the title of member:
a) in the case of withdrawal. Notification must be made through certified mail at least six months before December 31 of the year underway;
b) in the case of expulsion, if the Federation maintains that one of its members hasn’t complied with its obligations as member. (Expulsion comes about through a decision of the Board of Directors. The party concerned may petition the Council against this decision, and the Council makes the definitive decision;)
c) Members who have not paid the membership will also lose the title of member.
d) Regain; the member submits an application, review and approval by the Executive Committee.
The World Federation’s Board of Directors is made up of the:
a) Council
b) Executive Committee
c) President
a) The Council is the supreme body of the World Federation; The Council is made up of the presidents of the individual national Federations referred to in Article 2 letter a) or by delegates.
b) The Council meets in a regular assembly at the World Congress;
c) In cases of necessity and emergency the President can call an extraordinary assembly of the Council following a written and seriously-motivated request by 2/3 (two-thirds) of the Board of Directors or by 2/5 (two-fifths) of the Council members; If the President, in cases of emergency, judges it impossible for the Council to meet in an extraordinary assembly, he or she may – by letter or e-mail – pose the question directly to the Council members. These members must ap- prove the proposal with a majority of 3/4 (three-fourths);
d) The convocation of the extraordinary assembly must occur through letter or e-mail, including the order of the day, sent by the President at least six weeks before the meeting;
e) The decisions of the Council are taken by majority rule of the present members except as provid- ed for in Article 15.
a) Petitions made by members for discussion in assembly must be presented to the President four weeks before the assembly meeting at the latest (the post mark will be taken as the date sent; by e-mail as well)
b) Council members must be informed of the presented petitions at least two weeks before the assembly;
c) The Council will decide upon acceptance of petitions not presented within these norms and not known in advance.
a) Every Council member has the right to 1 (one) vote. One delegation per member. The representative could only represent his own country
b) Council members who have not duly paid their membership fees do not have the right to vote or to candidacy for the positions on the Board of Directors.
c) Elections are decided by majority rule; the winning candidate will have gained the majority of votes. In instances in which no candidate wins a majority of votes, there is another ballot be- tween the two candidates with the highest number of votes. The winning candidate is the one with more votes in this second vote, notwithstanding the percentage of votes obtained. Voting is done by secret ballot; The outgoing President nominates two people charged with counting the votes;
d) The President and the Vice Presidents are elected in two separate electoral sessions. The election of the remaining directors members happens with a sole electoral register.
The Council is charged with the following tasks:
a) Reading and approval of the assembly minutes, balance statements and annual budgets;
b) Determination of annual fees;
c) Election of the President, 3 (three) Vice Presidents, the Treasurer and the Executive Committee, not necessarily from among the presidents and the delegates of the national Association. These positions entail 4 (four) year terms.
d) Close examination of the petitions presented by members;
e) Choice of the country in which the World Congress, the various competitions and the courses of the World Federation will be held;
f) Modification of the Federation’s Charter;
a) The Executive Committee is made up of 11 (eleven) to 17(seventeen) members, including the President and the 3 Vice Presidents;
b) Positions on the Executive Committee last 4 (four) years and their holders may be reelected;
c) The President can remain in office for a maximum period of 8 (eight) years.
d) If a member withdraws, he or she will remain nonetheless in office until the next World Congress; in this case a new member will be elected for the remainder of the term.
e) The President calls the meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reaches quorum with the presence of the majority of members and makes decisions by majority rule of those in attendance.
f) Delegation of votes is not permitted.
The Executive Committee is charged with the following tasks:
a) Supervision of the Administration;
b) Deciding on extra expenses not provided for in the Annual Budget, with the limit of a maximum of 1/5 (one-fifth) of the annual membership fees.
c) Preparations for the organization and execution of the World Congresses. Preparations should be constantly updated.
d) Decision-making regarding prizes and decorations (silver medals, gold medals, honorary members, …)
e) Acceptance of new members;
a) The President is elected by the Council. The President legally represents the World Federation and can remain in office for a maximum of continuous up two terms;
b) the President works without getting a compensation for it. During world congress, register fees and hotel are free of charge for the president.
a) The Secretary General to assist the president and federation operation.
b) Nominated by the president and appointed after the committee approval.
c) the Secretary General works without getting a compensation for it. During world congress, register fees and hotel are free of charge.
a) Chief Financial Official is Nominated by the president and appointed after the committee approval.
a) One or more Secretary if needed ,is nominated by the president and appointed after the committee approval
b) Compiling assembly minutes of the Executive Committee and of the Council;
c) Managing ordinary correspondence;
d) During world congress, register fees and hotel are free of charge.
e) As paid staff, if the federation financial allows.
a) Appointment of several Advisors for World Federation operation.
b) Nominated by the president, nominated by the president and appointed after the committee approval
a) Chief Financial Official and Secretary-General both could access the account
b) Invoicing the membership fees each or every two year; Sent by Email as well.
c) Keeping the accounts; accounts should be revealed every year to Executive Committee.Sent by
Email as well.
The Federation’s assets are responsible for the obligations of the World Federation.
The dissolution of the World Federation of Master Tailors may be decided exclusively by a majority of 3/4 (three-quarters);
• The present CHARTER has been approved by the Council assembly on August 1, 2003 in Trevi- so, Italy and registered in the acts of Notary De Corato
• in Rome on the 20/07/05, repertory n°. 80679 Subscribed in Rome, on the 25/7/2005
• on 00 oo, 2021 revised.
The President of the World Federation of Master Tailors
Vice President of the World Federation of Master Tailors
The General Secretary of the World Federation of Master Tailors